What am i doing?
Wireless really suck, dad brought the stick out to work, and here i'm using Wireless Network.
I feel like blasting off my angers on someone whom i hates alot, now! And i'm on Yahoo Search now searching for images. And i found this .... >

Ok, i'm feeling better, rofl. I'm pretty weird, yes. But nevetheless, i want to say that this picture really made my laughed, lololol. Ha, this is for you, fop. :) Ok, shall elaborate today ^^
Had paper, met Fana at the bustop, somehow revised SocialStudies & Math wit Aslina and Sup. Then when going to board the shuttle bus, i was on the right while Pork was on the left. We were hestating whether to let who first. Then in the end, Pork went up then i went up, it was a awkward situation anyway, fyi. :} Haha, rofl. Then went to schl, then parade square.
Then had Math paper at the hall, i sat damn super infront bodoh, damn scary. Lol. Guess what people, i left blooody six questions blank! I feel guilty, but the questions are really hard. Guss Mdm Teh's gonna nag at me, ohmy! Nevermind la, i always fail de, rofl. :O
Had Socialstudies paper, was ok la. But i nearly slept my time away, but before i slept, i remember that i did Diplomacy & Deterance first, he he. :) Then i fell aleeep, damn Dizkri and Firdhaus, they was like " Emily, you sleep all the way siah! Damn pig la you. " Lol, (W) laaah! Haha. Kidding, they are nice ladz, realllyyyy. =)
After paper, went to Canteen, then went up to Artroom wit Fana & Fadhila. Angelo was inside running like small lil boy, which he is not! Ha, left schl around 3, wa sotp wit Kristlyn Heartaye & Shiping Sist. Reached home, bath, headed to 215.
I'm feeling so warm now manz, i got no moood alreadyyy!
{♥}小han: Hello Sister! (love)
Allure(L): Heh, i miss you alot too! :)
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