My goodbye doesn't last.
Hello readers! Alright, i had a ok day today, i was super tired today. )':
I woke up at 6am, lazily dragged myself outta my bed, went to bath. Then went out at 6.50am, 184 to school, met Shakir then Fana. Ohya, speaking about Fana, i'm really v pissed off by her siol, wahpiang.
Last night she texted me, asking whether can wear class tee? I replied, yes. Then she still asked whether am i wearing, i say yes. So does she, and this morning, she turn up wearing school uniform!? I got so angry ah, lol. Then what she do was to laugh and laugh. -_- Cute huh, lol. Then walked to school, went to canteen, then had burger and guava drink. Then went to parade sq for attendance taking and also temperature taking. Then went to canteen for Science tutoring with Hwa Chong students.
Our tutor was a female one, she is kinda cute and patient ah! Then she teached us Physics and Chemistry, i can't absorb at all siahz. I hate Science, seriously. Then i was like yawning all the way! Then had like 10 minutes break?! Pissed off siah, seriously, wahpiang. Then went for Math, Mdm Teh taught ah, standard. -.- Then me & Fana was like keep talking and talking, didn't listen at all, rofl! She can't teach lah, seriously. Then after that went to Hall for test, again. -_- While on the way there me & Fana was talking about who's first in our heart ah, then talk halfway, bumped into Pork & Shafiq. We were shocked and i was like wtf, omfg, wtf, omfg. Then i said "Bye pork!" to him then he said "Bye pig!".
Then went to toilet then hall, slept during the test, wtf, nbcb, i can't study!
After that went to Queensway with Fana & Akif for Mr Nasim's shirt. And you know whattt? His shirt cannot make sia, wahpiangz. Because they threw the template after printing our's, and yes, Mr Nasim was interested in our class tee as it was beautiful, and original, ha ha. Then went to Mac for late-lunch. When leaving, suddenly got 2 weird guy sang our schl song after looking at our schl logo, lol. I was like laughing all the way, rofl. Then board 961, i alighted first, 154 to westcoast, then to sintua.
Then mom droved me to fetch bro at Woodlands, then home. ^^ My maid went back already, and i've got to be a part time maid alreadyyyy. )': Sad casezx sia, wahpiangwahlao! ): Nevermind ah, rofl.
Ohya, how i wish my hair was as long as her's!! >

She is Kiki Kannibal, i almost got the same hairstyle as her ah, but my hair is short, grrrr. Faster faster growww! Ha ha, okay ah, till here! :D
Shall post later 'on i guess? :)
er? : Er, i don't know how to explain to you eh, rofl. O:
I love you, and i just couldn't treat you as a bestfriend, seriously.
I know you're lying about what you said on that very Thursday night, and you made me cried.
I cried, i forced myself to change my mindset, which is to You're-Just-My-Best-Friend thinking. But i can't..
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