What a long day,

Hello hello! Ha ha, i love this blogskin eh! He he. Its Fieza's previous skin, and she gave it to me, so good right? My Aunty Fie mah, ha ha. Alright, shall talk about today yeap! ;D
Woke up around 6? I forgot, ha ha. Then bathed, then bus to school, was drizzling, and i'm very envious of people who can wake up late, like Noob, brothers etc. Im so envious of 'em lah, wtf. Then reached bustop, Shakir also just reached. Then Shakir told me what he dreamt of, super hiliarious okay. Ha ha, then Fana came, walked up. :)
Went to Canteen straight, ate Burger, then went to Foyer. Then went to Hall, did paper, wtf. I confirm fail de loh, because i forgot to bring my calculator! Then i sort of gave up, i slept for 1 and 1/2 hour, left 1/2 hour, wake up, borrow calculator from luthfi, then did some questions, damn fu.cking pathetic, wtf.
Then, had break, then fall in at Foyer again, then go Dance Room for class. Then at 12pm, went to hall for test again, -_- I day dreamed ah, cause its only like 1/2 hour? But managed to borrow calculator ah, then i slept, dream of someone ah, roflz. Then after school, went to canteen.
Changed, make ups, everything. Went to Drama Room, walked pass D&T room on purpose, because i want to see Noob!! Ha ha, and i saw him! ^_^ I tell you, i'm god damn fucking happy, lololololmaoz. Then carried props with Mrs Shakila, forced her to walk with me, to pass by D&T room, she was whining all the way saying that i made her walked extra more metres, lol. Whatever ah, rofl. I can see Noob then ok liaoz.
I indeed saw him, when i walked pass the 2nd time, he he. And this time, there is eye contact!! HA HA HA! Then went for Marsiling Blk 3 for perfomance with Band, Dance(Indian, Malay & Chinese.) We were the last 2 items, and wtf. My mic didn't worked at all lah, nbcb! Lucky, my voice is very loud, rofl. I think the senior citizens enjoyed ah, rofl. O:
Then left there around 4pm? That stupid shorty, Fana pointed me Middle Finger for nothing, wtf right? -_- Then went to Drama room, walked pass D&T room, but nobody in there, i think everyone went home already ahhh. ): Then went to Canteen, had Pizza, :) Ate 2, 1/2 piece, because i was starving man, rofl. I know lah, like pig, hah! Then walked back with Crazycraps and Sakinah. :)
Then reached home, dad was home, then bought dinners for 'em, but i skipped my dinner ah, because 2, 1/2 piece is alot for me already. Lol, i'm currently trying to lose my babatz. He he he ha ha ha ho ho ho. I'm on msn with YimlingSister, she suck because she is my daily reader yet she didn't tag me one lohz, like wtf right? -_-
And, my dearest Noob ain't online yet, just now he was, but he offline. I think he is busy ah, nevermind, i shall wait for him then! :D
Vel: Oh thanks Jie, ha ha. Sure, i will! You too, jy for your O's! Love!
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