Okay, i've lied. I said that i won't blog for a few days, but i just couldn't help it but to just blog and type down everything to make myself feel much better. :')
Let me tell you about my reason for being upset last night alright. I'm not going to mention names, i'm not inside(?) Its a love story, a sad ending..
Why, why is it that every relationship has to go through break ups?
Why, why is it that some of them wouldn't want to let people have that lil happy moment?
Why, why is it that there is so many "why" ?
Why, why, why why why?
She couldn't sleep last night, she was tossing from right to left, left to right, upside down, she still can't. Her mind was filled of you, of what you said, of the very msn conversation.
Anyone, tell her, what to do. Nobody loves her, right?
Felt sad, upset, disappointed, speechless, lost, blank, useless, stupid, no shame.
Look into the mirror, does she fit to stand beside him? Yes or no? He said Yes, to her.
But he still hurt her, eventually.
Will things change for good? Hopefully, it will.
Like duh, it will not. (?)
She cried, he cried too. When someone is in love with someone, and both of them does love eachother, shouldn't they be together? Or like what Nelson use to tell me, when you love someone, and that someone loves you too, is already enough..
But it all turn out to be a lie, everything seems to be like a movie, all made up..
Goodbye, (insert all kinds of sad winks.)
Sara.L: Sorry sister.
Tina Dars: Hi darling.
Passerby.: Thanks alot.
Editted. :)
Hello, i'm feeeeeeling so much better already! Thanks for everyone's concern, most of all, thanks to Pork, for understanding and patience. Thanks alot, and thanks to Fana for the cheer-ups, Wenhui, for everything. Yeah, i'm on msn with Pork. Ha ha, he's dream is same as mine ah, KPO PORK. He wants to be famous, superstar. Then i wants to be a famous actress. And i gave him an advance-award. He will get a "The most noob bully like pork " while he gave me a "Most Dump People" award, isn't that so cooool? Ha ha, and both of us is super hungry now.
I told him to cook for me, is to roast himself and then i'll eat it, he he. And now, he tells me Roasted-Hazmi is not available, its out of stock, still gave me 2 choices, Sheep or Dog. Ha ha, and now, he keep on trying to influence me by asking me to drink beer or wine. -_- bad pork, pork is bad, and evil. Now, he say Bye to me just because i declined drinking wine, so bad. I got no choice but to drink loh. Sad case man, rofl.
I love chatting with him, seriously. He is so cutee! Ha ha, alright. Hope to see him tomorrow then, alright. I won't let him wait for any longer already! Needa serve him pizza & Beron Beer. :)
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