Morning dearys! Ha ha, i'm otp with Wenhui Baobei, she's so moodless. )': Cheeeer up okeh! Me love you lah! He he, i miss Pork!! Faster come online, faster faster. I'm now so bored. And, i'm heading to AMK Hub on the 6th, to buy a book from The Art Box, :) I've asked Amio to tag along, he he. Hope Amio can make it tho! Ha ha, AMK hub, the last time i was there was on the 26th July 2008 (?) Whatever lah, lol. This saturday, can't wait really! Amio ah Amio, make yourself rich alright! Young Cash Money Dude perh! Hehehahahoho.
Baobei had cheered up, of course, after talking to me on the phone! Ha ha, i so pro right! Hahaha, i'm so happy for you! Must cheeer up more, without him you still can carry on with your life! Alright? He is just a jerk like Him, rofl, no offence! :)
I really love my blogskin man, lol. So nice right, sibeh chio bodoh! Ha ha, oh yaaaah!
I wanna watch Monsters Vs Ailens ahhh, ); please please please. Someone blanja me! HAHA, IF ANYONE BLANJA ME, ME WILL LOVE YOU ALOT LAH! :)
I miss Amio, Fana, Fadhila(!), Aslina, Ying, Cheryl, Tina & Vivien alot now. And this coming thursday, 4th June, Drama Society will be heading down to Marsiling Drive, Blk 3 for Sphere thingy. We will be performing our skit, What Are You Doing Here?! Yeaha, do come alright! Its from 1:30 onwards, he he. Wenhui Baobei will be coming! Yeayyy, i promise her that she will enjoy our play, hehe! I can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, ho ho. Shall tell Pork later on, about Thursday!
I think Pork is sleeping still, real pig man. He didn't came online last night, i think after his religious class, he's too tired. ): Or maybe he's out with his family. I don't know eh. :/
Yesterday was on Pork's friendster. Ha ha ha! He don't look like his bra-ther lol! Ha ha, damn diff lah the faceeee, Pork is cuter! xD Ha ha, now is 11:29am, Pork just woke up, he texted me. Hahaha, pigpigpigpig.
I'm gonna reply tags now, why these few days so lil tags uh? ): Tag more alrighttt! :)
Edited,babydoll: I'm not pretty lah, rofl!
Fana.: Like duh, use who's handphone ah?! HAHA!
Alright, after editting the post, i shall go and take a bath & then maybe create a blog for our class, yeah. :) Ha ha, i made a mistake! When Pork texted me, he did not just woke up, (stupid english.) he was working as a Kompang Boy! HAHAAHAH! I find his job damn cool ogay, so many handsome guys! Hah, but Pork is the best looking lah. Rofl, siao. -______-" Ha ha, i got one handsome actor to show you guys, i wish i will get to act with him, but nah. Siao, i'm kidding, lololol!

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