I cinta you.
Well, shall not drag anymore, better get posting before i gets lazy, hek hek. :P
Today started out nicely, babyboy was being very sweet to come to school although he is very tired due to yesterday's jalan raye with his friends. Haha, i feel lucky, roflz.
Well, bused down to Assumption bustop, reached there, 67 bus was infront of the bus im taking and i expect babyboy to be in it. And, when i alighted i saw him walking and i catch up with him.
Then walked up together, then went different way when we reached canteen. Then off to parade square shortly after while.
Assembly, and today Mr Nasim didn't tested us on Chemistry, haha! Lucky man, if not, im dead. Lol! Then went back class.Had chemistry, and it suck alottttttttt. Then had P.E, didn't went to P.E, stayed at parade square till 10am. Skipped Geography class as i was somehow lazy to go. :/
Went toilet, while Fana, Sera and Fadhila went to Canteen to had their early recess with tha lower sec students, how bitchy. LOL.
Then after that met 'em at toilet, then stayed there till 11am.
Went to canteen for recess, then after that had Art. Was having fun with fruits, hahah! Then went back class for English.
Didn't had lessons, so did math worksheet. A incident happened and got Dzikri laughing like crazy, he even kneeled down, lol!
The thing is like this >
Dinie > *hold the chair up high and said : i tell you.
The chair hit the fan and cause the glass for the light panel to break.
Dzikri > Sees and immediately laugh and kneeled down from his seat.*
Mrs Kalai > Shocked and dumbfounded*
Dinie > kept quiet and did his work.
Its hiliarious lah, haha. Then did math worksheet till S.T.A.R programme started, after that went to canteen to meet Baby, then left school with him.
Thanks for waiting lah sey, ^^ . Then went to 123, and then he send me home, then i went home, bath, online, sleep.
Slept from 5pm to 7pm. One word > fabulous. Hahah! Woke up due to Jason's call, went down to look for him, then left home after companying him to bustop.
Home, here i am posting. My internet seriously suck to the core, argh.
Baby, thanks for waiting for like 1 hour plus? Haha, you are the besssssst.
hehe, i love you to the max, ^^
Okay bye peopleee!
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