Oh i love you!

Okay, woke up around 6+am, texted babyboy, then went to bathe. Came online, then 184 to Assumption. On the way there was amusing, Donovan pressed the bell and the bus didn't stop, his face damn funny, when i saw his reaction, i was like "dont laugh! dont laugh!. LOL
Then reached bustop, then after that saw that Riana. Then after that told Shakir about what she blogged, and he was like lame. LOL. Then after that met babyboy. <: <: <: (L) Then walked up, reached school, went by the walkway, then after that i headed to canteen to meet up with the usual peoples. I SAW SERA!! ^^ IM SO HAPPY TO SEE HER, HAHA! (:
Then after that headed to parade sq, then after that had F.A.S.T. I didn't do any questions, i mean i did lah, but i don't think i'll get at last 2 marks when the mark for that question was 6 marks?! -.- Then after that had physics. Was talking to Farris, quite nice to talk to him anyway, although he always always bully me like as if im 2 years old -.- .
Then had free lsn, i meant mother tongue lsn was like taken over mah, so stayed in class and gossip. LOL. Then went for recess! :D Didn't ate after looking at the queue, was so fed up, so didn't ate lorhz. End up talking to Michael and Farris, roflz! They are god damn funny, and Mic is like so dramatic talking about a dog. Lmao, he got me laughing, lol!
Then after that went back class for English. While walking back, saw that damn Riana. And just nice Emmabel was there, and she knew what happened, to Emmabel, Me, Sera went to her class. We were like Riana! She step deaf and continued to her friends, damn cb hor. LOL. So what this matter is over? So what you apologized?
Then had English and Social studies, after that skipped S.T.A.R :/ Went to canteen and met up with Babyboy. Walked out together, then went to slacked, then went to my block, wtff, there is one uncle is so so scary and he was the one who molested me _1_ . Then when he was walking towards us, i was so god damn fvcking scared and i started to grab baby, luckily, my baby is there, if not, i mati liao. Thanks baby, love you 2themaxzsx. :D
After that met Fadhila and Fana after their S.T.A.R. Then Fadhila is like so blur, and forgot to exchange her ezlink card with the class key, and end up she walked back to school, haiyoz. Then waited for Akif under my block. Walked to Bangkit, then ate, then chill for awhile, then walked to bustop :) Then i was being "trained" by my boyfriend. :( Hmm, bad boy! Hahahah! But after all, i love him so much! :)
Then me and Fadhila walked to my block, had a amazing talk with her, i hope i wasn't too rough on my words just now fadhila, i want the best for you, and trust me, whatever you are going through now, i've been through and its even x10 worse than yours. If i can go through, why not you? Cheer up, im here for you, remember what i told you yeah, see you on friday, don't be upset over your cat which just died :/
Baby, i love you very much, thanks for everything. Today we really had fun, hahaha, LOLLLLLL. :/ I love you, 2themax, and i know, we will make it till the end if we got the guts. (should be confidence lah eh!) Hahaha! And, i'll see you tomorrow okay, i miss you now very much. >:
Anyway, to the Riana, no point asking for a friendship-bond between me and you. I don't want and i will never want to. Don't fucking choose me as your friend just because im pretty _!_ You are like a bootlicker, please lah hor, i don't take that as a compliment but a insult, a personal one. You wanna beg me for a friendship-bond again? Lick my dog's ass first, haha, kidding. But whatever it is, i will never want to. <: Thanks and takecare _!_
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