too over

Hello back, here to post about today. Currently on msn with Dion and Baby. Today woke up around 5+ cus of leg cramp, then went back sleep again and woke up at 6.20am, texted baby then off to bath. Went to Pending to meet Justin then 184 to Assumption bustop.
Shook hands already, was shocked to see Sri's leg, but no matter what, as long as she can walk, can already. Then 67 came, met Baby, then walked up. While walking up, we talked and laughed at usual, then reached school, headed to parade square, then went to assemble.
Went back class after shortly, less than 10 minutes due to the weather, so went back class. Reached class, Fana told me something that seriously shocked me, and i seriously felt very sad for her and also worried for idk why. :( From that moment, my mood was really like getting from bad to worseeeeee >:
Then had lessons, recess, cut queue, Baby bought for me, ate already, headed back to class. Then after 2 hours of free lessons, went back class for S.T.A.R. After S.T.A.R went to canteen, was surprised that baby actually waited for me and he didn't told me that he is waiting.
Was kinda surprising tho, went to him and sat down with Mr Fadzil and him. Then after that left school with Fana. Was trying to brace her up on the way, but i know i suck at it. -.-
Then she went off to Pending to meet up with Fadhila & Emma. While me and baby walked to 190 bustop, talked for quite a while, don't wish to talk about is as baby asked me to not think about it, but i admit, its kinda hard anyway. >:
After he board his bus, walked home. Reached home, Yeeru looked at stared at me as if i did something wrong, and she was being very concern about me, and i went online and went to bath.
Then off to bangkit to collect my phone, then home.
Online, blogged. That's all, today is not a good day, well, as i told baby, by tonight. <':
I love you boy, thanks for the heartfelt words and poems, i teared when i saw the poem.
Its really sweet, i love you. ^^
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