Pardon me.
Hello you guys, time now is 4.33pm. Hmm, today was rather a disappointing day for me, or rather i'd say, boring. Well, nevermind, i've gotten over it, was angry about it at first, but at a second thought, i wasn't anymore, cause i understands. :) So, to Boyfriend, don't apologize anymore, i am not angry already, cause i don't bear to see you keep saying sorry to me, hehe! :P
Lemma elborate today, woke up at 6.15am, iron uniform, bathed. Fadhila called and said she is having headache so not meeting us, so met Fana at Pending at 7am. She was frigging late! -.- Then walk to school, reached school, go toilet. Then headed to Parade Sq. Ordered class photo, then left for AVA for English.
Baby overslept, so ya, means today no seeing him. >: Then recieved his text around 10am, was very happy to recieve his text although i am mad at him for not waking up on time, but you know, i just can't resist to be mad at him, i kept having the urge to forgive him, l-o-l. Although the way i replied his message is like very attitude, but i was disappointed ysee, sorry baby. I love you and i miss you alot! :(
Then did worksheets, was seriously sleepy, very tired. Left for recess, after that, FESEFF took lift at the parade ground level with Idris and Angelo. Then lift stopped at Staff room level, was shocked and everyone of us ran out. Cause the lift is out of bound to all students. Haha! Laughed all the way to AVA room, was effing funny, mwahaha!
Reached AVA room, me and Fadhila went crazy, we talked about girl's stuffs and now, all together got 5 people know, they are Me, Fadhila, Fana, Emmabel, Shakir and Aryna. And when Shakir know about it, he laughed till he cried, its god damn hiliarious, but sorry, we are not gonna tell anyone anymore, cause its just plainly nonsense. So sorry!! :( Haha!
After English, left for Lot1. Went to Pending, wanted to meet Aliff, but then he say he go for Friday Prayers, so headed to Lot1. 190 there, talked alot of stuffs with Fana, asked for advices too, hmm, maybe i should seek her advice? I got no idea, seriously.
Then went to i-don't-know what block, slacked around, then cabbed home with Emma and Fana.
Reached home, bath, online. Hmm, i miss baby loads, :(
N level is coming, next week, Social Studies and Mother Tongue on Monday, am i ready? -.-
Okay, whatever, im god damn tired.
Sometimes i feel that im very demanding towards my boyfriend.
Sometimes i think that im not a good girlfriend.
Urgh, these are all my imaginations i know, Emily tan, you suck to the core. :(
Someone talk to me regarding this please!!! :(
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