Hello people, today is the last day of taking N level. Which means last day of school! Hee, yay! Okay whatever, haha. Woke up at 5.30am today, bath, met Fana at Pending at 6.30am. Then walked to school, reach canteen, as usual, bread and mineral water. ^^v
Off to parade square, then assembled. Took Math paper 2 today, it was fucking hard, section B kills. Section A was okay, haha! :P Started raining very badly, and our bags were all wet! And the left side of the hall where the 4A students sits and they stared to make sounds cause it was so windy and rain started to spill over 'em, haha.
Then Paper ended at 10am, went to canteen. Then off to parade sq toilet to try out Sera's baju. Haha, it fits me and they said it looks nice but i-don't-know lah. Then on-called cab, cabbed down to Bpp.
Went to Long John with Sera, Fadhila and Emma. Purpose of going is to meet Ari ; Emma's bf. So had breakfast settled too. Then left first, went home with Sera, then off to Bangkit. Then off to school.
Reached school, went to Artroom. Then went out to had a chat with Cheryl and Vivien ^^v I miss them so much! :( Then after that off to Hall for geography paper. Was okay, however for river section i didn't manage to do but the development part i can do it. It was so fugging cold in the hall and my fingers were so cold okay -___-
Then off to Artroom, Mdm Fat bought me Macdo meal! ^^ Hehe, thanks mdm faaaaaat! Then off to hall for decorating up the hall. Spend about 3 hours there, loads of laughters broke up in between me, sera and fadhila as usual, but it will be better if emma, fieza and fana were with us!
Deco the main entrance, done by 3 of us! Haha, was most satisfied with the 2 big ribbons. Handmade by me and fadhila! :) Was so happy and proud of it cause teachers was like "eh nice leh!" Haha! You know me and fadhila~ we were like "of cus ah! see who do! *laughs damn loud. Hahah! ^^v
Took pictures, will post below alright. Hmm, after that cleared up the mess, and then went home with fadhila. Mdm fat had asked me and fadhila and sera to come along tomorrow night, yay! Haha, cus its a grad ceremony that is only for 4(EXPRESS), 4(NT) AND 5(NA). And, 4(NA) wasn't invited cause we are expected to go back next year.
But its okay, we are being approved anyway, hahaha! Yayyy! ^^ Hmm currently on msn with Bff. Bff wants me to blog about him. -.- Okay, so here i go.
Bffffffff, hi. Haha, want me to blog about you? Hmm, well, i got nothing to blog actually cause you seldom comes to school and online and we just became bff like yesterday? But its alright, haha! I don't know what im talking about -___- Anyway, regarding today's matter, dont brood over it already, its over! ^^
Okay, pictures timeee! ^^ Heheehehehehehehehehehahahahahahohohohoh.
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