10 more days.

Okay hello, currently time is 12.22pm. On msn with Babyboy, he and Huzai is on the way to Ubi to get their earpiece repaired, and yes, Huzai's phone. ^^ Haha, today suck to the max, i mean for the papers part lah. :)
Woke up at 6am sharp, bath, met Fana at Pending and walked to school. Was tiring, but fun tho. Reached school, went to Canteen. Sat with Aslina and studied Physics together. Was kinda stress out due to the SI units and formulaes, grrrr.
First paper was Physics, i doubt i can pass anyway, but i did my best, i didn't fall asleep okay! ^^ Then finish liao, went to canteen and bought Fadhila's burger and talked to Baby for for awhile then off to hall for Chemistry.
Did MCQ(s) and then fell asleep. :/ Then woke up cause Mrs Goh woke me up, did question 4 and 6, anyhow do de lah, it was damn hard + i never study for it, haha! Then 11am already, then went to canteen to meet up Baby and Huzai.
Boyfriend and Huzai was sitting with Billy Gun and co, and Ex-boyfriend was there, it was kinda awkward cause Ex-boyfriend was looking at me, -.-
Then left school with Baby and Huzai. Then Ayun tagged alot, headed to i-don't-know which block, then Huzai changed and headed to some shop and bought Cigg, as Huzai is already 18.
Then after that Baby and Huzai send me home and then reached home, online. Okay, im going off to school soon again for S.O.S for mathematics from mrs goh! :D
I won't be blogging tonight i guess? I don't know lah, see got mood anot lor, hehe, k bai xD
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