With love.
Hmm last night was so cool, i slept from 9pm to 11pm, then woke up by Mom's calling, then woke up, she summoned me to her room, haha! So while i went in with my messy hair, and while going in, i can roughly guess what's ma mom gonna say, wahahah!
I went in, mom was like, Hazmi don't look like malay, is he mix? I was like, uhm, yeah. *smile non-stop. Mom said, hmm handsome ah he. I was like hahahahaha, okay, hahahah! Then i went to do my own stuffs, and Huzaifah called me.
Asking me to teman him to talk while he is on the way home, cause he is alone, what a lonely dickie. Hahaha! :P Talked alot, kept asking him to come to school as monday is our N level. He was like drunk somehow, but still able to laugh at my lame jokes, and still, he never failed to ask about how's me and baby is doing, how nice is my 18 year old friend who's hair is growing. :P
Then he hung up saying that when he reached home he will call me, so i just waited for him stupidly, and till about 1+ he still haven't yet called so i gave up and went to sleep.
And woke up around 6.30pm, was very sleepy, but still woke up reluctantly. :X Bathed, texted Babyboy and Fana. Met Fana at Bukit Panjang Primary's bustop. Then walked to school, went to parade square. And to my surprise, Huzai really came to school, fuuuuuh! Hahahah! I thought he was joking about it last night dok! Haha! :P I got so shocked and i shouted "Huzai?!" He smiled to me and waved. Rofl, -.- . Babyboy was late, cause i didn't see him at the parade square.
Headed to Library for Chemistry, then Mr Roy's homeroom for Geog, then Physics at class, recess at canteen, Math in class and Math S.T.A.R in class too.
For once in term 4, i taught my classmate how to do stem and leaf, statistics, and percentage. I managed to do my worksheet, i managed to concentrate although Sera kept spotting my mistakes in my workings, but it was fun though. :) ^^ Haha, i love to laugh with Sera, i don't know why, her laughters is like unique, hahah!
After that left school with FESEFF as Babyboy wants to go home and revise his work. Headed to Bpp, had lunch settled at Mac's. Fana and Fieza went for fries-catching. It was god damn fun and cool, we aim people with leftovers fries and we will take those fries and bring it to the table to enjoy it. I know its kinda gross, but you know, its cool. Haha, we are cool girls. :-)
Then after that there is one boy wearing a shirt in yellow colour with a name called MARTIN printed on it. He went in and i disturbed him by saying "Eh, finish school already ah Boy?" Then he looked at me as though he very fierce liddat wor :/ Haha!
Then me and Fana noticed that he kept looking at me and Fieza. Hahahah! So i stared back, and he looked away, bodoh. Then when he left, i shouted "Eh going back already ah!" Then he pointed middle finger to us, and 6 of us kept laughing and laughing, hahah! How cute, roflz.
Then went to Garden Plaza, saw Jason, talked with him and then 963 home with Emma. Reached home, bath, online. Here i am blogging..
I hope i will pass my math, i hope i will be able to do well in my Art paper 2. As long as im persevering, i know i can do it. Not forgetting geography too. i know i can do it, and yes i will.
I feel somehow weird today, i don't know why, i know im okay, but i somehow feel down, i don't know why, i feel stupid. Argh, i hate this feeling. :(
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