Yet to tell.

Okay, work today is god damn super duper boring to the max. 970 there, on the bus, saw Ayun and Huzai crossing the road, was super confident that its 'em cause Huzai's hair is in white colour, wahaha!
Around 3+, was the most sickest moment. I fell kinda sick and i seriously feel like going home but my Grandpa somehow don't allow me to, wth. ): So i tahan till 6pm, was seriously very sick and i kept coughing. ): Then 970 home, bath & online.
Msn with Cammie right now, argh, my throat is killing meeeeeeee. ): Anyway, holidays officially started. These is my plan for this 2 and 1/2 month. <: Im not going to make amendments. So don't try to make me change. :/
Will be most probably working for the month of October.
Thailand trip from 20th - 25th Ocotober.
Off days - Meet up with Babyboy. (First priority)
Not going out that often with cliques, i have already made up my mind, so yeah, and fyi, there are 2 off days per week, so try your luck if you guys wanna ask me out. <:
Its been 4 hours, i've been waiting. Where are you? ): Hais, today is a bad day for me, i feel stupid you know. I hate this feeling. )':
Edited @ 9.58pm.
I miss you. I am waiting. I am starting to get impaitent. I've been worrying since 3pm today.
What have you been doing? Where have you been? Babyboy, contact me soon, i miss you alot. :(
Have you ever missed someone so much till you cried? :'(
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