Morning earthlings, im here to blog while playing Cafe World on Facebook. ;] My Cafe is rotting, hah, i didn't played for like 3 days? :/ Im lazy you see, mwahahaha!
And im currently very very hungry cause i didn't had my dinner last night :/ And i want to eat chicken rice now, but my brother don't want to buy for me by going downstairs :( Sad lor, nevermind lah, don't eat don't eat lor, blame it on my laziness :)
Yay, im not working today, going out with friends and Babyboy. Hehe, going to Elyanti's house, Mdm Fatimah's house and more? Baby's house perhaps? Hahah! I can't wait, can't waaaaait. ;)
Im having slight flu now. And unhappy with my brother now, okay bai. :) Will post later on.
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