I've got no time already.

Mdm fatimah asked me to drew birds with their wings up high, 3 birds with different views, and what the fark, its by tomorrow?! And, after this post, i've gotta bath,
I've got a plan for tonight. First after this, imma do all these at one shot. :)
1. Bath. :)
3. Start drawing my 3 "freaking chio birds."
4. touch up, colour it.
At 8pm, i will go online again, to rest, he ha. :D Then i will go offline around 10.30pm, then i shall start drawing againz, till 1am, then sleep. :)
Tomorrow, wake up at 6am, bathe, go out at 6.50am, Engolish class, then Math. Then Art, gotta hand in my birdies. Then stay back till 5pm, then go home, start doing everything again and again. Tired, confirm. I see liao, i want to mati already, rofl.
But nevermind, if i got the will, i can do it. I must pass my N level, to promote to Secondary 5! Secondary 5D, here i come, rofl. -_- (still got so long man, hahahah.) I must not panic now, concentrate on my Art's coursework, then the academic's one, then after 13th Oct, Holiday is here for me, to enjoyzxsc!!!~ :D
Wokr hard man, lol. Okay lah, will blog later'on alright, miss me readers, and tag me lah. My blog dead already siahz. ): Oh, my phone can text already! HA HA HA!
Tina : Linked, already. ^^
I love you, and i just couldn't treat you as a bestfriend, seriously.
I know you are lying about what you said on that very Thursday night, and you made me cried.
I cried, i forced myself to change the mindset, which is to You're-Just-My-Best-Friend thinking, but i can't..
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