Im starting to hate you again.

Hai people, i'm back from doing my houseworks, and i'm so worn out now, i'm really very tired, tired of everything, :( Nevermind, that picture above was taken about last year? Ha ha, i miss my short hair anyway, but i love my current hairstyle, -_- Ha ha, don't mind me eh. :/ Alright, shall talk about my day today then. :)
I woke up around 9am, Uncle Steven came, then dad drove us down to Whampoa, dad brought noodles, then mom, dad and bro left, leaving Uncle Steven and me, i was playing Wii, then i got tired, so i off it. Then Ahli came, then he left, he was pissed off. O:
Then Justin came, watched Ghost Movie with him, and you know whaaaaat?! He's shouting shocked me, and not the show man! Somemore he sound so "man" and he goes "AHHHH!!" and i shouted too, Uncle Steven laughed at me, rofl. Damn Justin, rofl. Anyway, congrats on you gettin your liscence for Motor Riding. :)
Then i left around 6pm, 139 to Toa Payoh, then 157 to Bukit Timah. Then 171 to Bpp, met Jason, brought dinner, and walked home. Vivien called me, and wtf man! Ha ha, promised her not to tell anyone. :} Then Jason looked like a malay man! (L)(L)(L) Ha ha ha! He become so shuai, like all of a sudden ah, hahahahaha! Then told him alot of stuffs, i complained to him, i whine to him, i told him alot of stuffs, and he was to tired to listen, but i still talked, although i know he didn't had the heart to listen to every stuffs, hahaha. But, nevermind what!
Reached home, ate dinner, bathe, online, did houseworks, and here i am again. :) He he, i'm so fucking tired. And i feel like being a emo-kid again, wtf?! Was on Jenica's blog, and her blogsong is so nice, lol. -_- And i saw her post, and i saw one sentence that really somehow happened to me about 3 weeks ago, and this is the sentence...
I felt sad, when i saw that, because, it is indeed too true, it happened to me like 3 weeks ago? This is what she blogged, and i totally agree, seriously. Love, suck..
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build all these defenses, you build up a while suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different than any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life.. You give them a piece of you, when they didn't really ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like, 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way to your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination, not just in the mind. It's a soul hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.
This post, made me cried, and i really cried. I agree to it, and i'm stupid, ain't i? I just regretted, blame it on me, for opening up my heart and let you in and hurt me, blame it on you, for being another jerk for making another huge impact on my life.. :(
tina: :)
♥` Name's Kristlyn: Replied on your tagb already. :)
YIMLING: Ha ha, biase ah, Rikahs. xD
Cheryl: Aiyor, Nuer ah, that is not my bed wor, ha ha.
♥ Xiaohan: Relinked already, luv.
TYR: Stfu.
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