happy monthsary.

Happy 1st month to you, time flies real fast, tho today we didn't went back together, its okay.
In this 1 month & 5 days, it was a really happy period. I love being with you.
I appreciates your presence in my life for the past 1 month and 5 days.
I love you for everything you do for me.
Thanks for being understanding sometimes when i got held up by papers and end up being late.
Thanks for making me smile everyday without failed ^^
Thanks for nagging at me whenever you think its a must for me, rofl!
Thanks for being such a great bestfriend before we were together, pork. ^-^
Thanks and seriously, you are the best boyfriend :D
I love you, thanks for everything that you've said/done to me. Happy 1st month, more to go okeh b? :]
Alright, imma elaborate ma day now. Woke up at 6.15am, bathed, Fana called, met her at Pending, Fadhila is late, then walked to school. Reached school, went to parade sq, then same old thing, flag raising etc, Mr Nasim held us back, had a talk with us, again regarding to our not-serious-enough and our no-mood-towards-N-level. Then went to class for Chemistry class, then had P.E, was like fighting with 6SIX boys, Shakir and Farris in our class, then we went out and headed to toilet to change, lol.
P.E was okay, perspired alot alot, im like drenched, hmm, backbone hurts 2themaxxxxxxx. Then after that got bored, went walking around the school, then saw Baby! [: [: Then sat down, then after shortwhile he gotta go le, so passed him something then went back for P.E. Then Geography, sleepy! Stupid Farris, took the marker and draw on my leg, wtf! Somemore red plus black! Stupid idiot!
Had recess, ate rice with FESEFF. Then after that walked back, passed by SRC, Fadhila was shouting at me >Emily!! See inside! *points inside. Hazmi inside leh!! Haha, then i looked in and waved, LOL. -.- Then left for Arrrrrt! ^-^
After that during English lsn also had it inside art room, then after that met baby at the staircase, talked for awhile, then left for canteen to meet up with the rest. Mr Raj came and disturbed me, then i heck care, i show him my leg, expecting him to scold Farris for me, then he instead of scolding, he laughed at my leg, wahlao. :(
Then after that, Mr Raj suddenly shouted my name.
Mr Raj > Emily!
Me > Turns and looked at him.
Mr Raj > Points to Hazmi*.
Me > Wtf sia Mr raj!? Waves to hazmi and smiled.
Hazmi > Looked at me.
Mr Raj > Hahah! I am going to tell people that you and him were hugging at tha bustop!!
Me > Whatever, =.=
Haha, then left for S.T.A.R, did 1 question then left for home. Home, bath, online, blogged. Was kind upset today, i don't know why too, hmm, fml. :(
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