Spread things about me?

Slap me? Okay, let's see, you big deal eh? And look lah hor, i never even use a single vulgrities word here okay, so please don't keep putting words into my mouth girl, you are like a small girl, when you tell people about me, what you expect people to do?
Haha, i tell you what, they may listen, they may side you, but look, use your eyes and see, who is your real friends. But i doubt you had even 1, wanna slap me? You try, okay ^^
Im so waiting for you to confront me, i wanna see how fierce and daring are you, i want you to make me go w.o.w and speechless, and like i promised friends and boyfriend, i won't start it, unless you starts it, so please, get this right, incase you go and ka my jiaowei hor, :)
Let's get this right, this thing may not concern me, but please, the way you treats your friends is so unbearable, what i meant was that i just couldn't bear to see my friends being treated from you, i didn't said that you bullied or whatsoever, so please, don't assume. :>
You said my mouth is filled with vulgurities, okay, look, who pissed me off first? With your attitude like this, you think what? I doubt the nicest people in the whole wide world can tolerate lor, haha.
Alright, shan't talk much, i think you should feel proud that this post is specially for you, hmm, i think with name is much better, but in order to give you some dignity, i think not, hahah!
School tomorrow, meeting with FESEFF regarding to 6SIX boys eh! Bascially aiming at Farris Iman and Abdul Shakir, haha! & Ahmad Suheil too. Esok, krng boleh blah lah eh! Lol!!
Okay, tomorrow is also me and babyboy's first month!. But he is having his CPA papers so, can't really celebrate, but nevermind dok! All the best for you bi, i love you! ^-^
hehe, okay, can't wait for tomorrow, FESEFF with MamaFad! ^-^ Hahaha, tc, bye!
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