Hello there, second post for today. Thank god after watching tv, im better. :] Well, i must say, today was a boring day. But till evening, its not. ^-^
Shakir and Fadhila came to my house, from Bpp. Hmm, they sounded very shag, so yeah, first thing is to lock my dog as Fadhila is afraid of dogs, ha ha. Then locked Milo liao, then invite 'em in, then sat around the dining area. Talked, laughed, and of course, they made my day although it was just an hour or something, but im still touched as Fadhila is like worried about me. :)
Both of 'em was kinda upset about what happened before they headed over to my house, ler, forget about it doh! Then they left around 7 as Shakir wants to head home. Hmm, they are coming over tomorrow and imma prepare lunch for 'em, hiak hiak. :D God damn fun, rofl. (I predicts lah, lol!)
Im currently waiting for babyboy to come online, i got so much things to tell him, im still upset about what happened this morning, :( Grah, bi, faster online doh!
Kak fieza helped me to edit one picture, hehe, nice yknow! And the caption was my favourite song sial, nyhehehe!
I'm done, ciaos.
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