Rindu you sangat sangat.

Hello people, morning. After this post, will be going out to Bangkit then to Lot1. Hmm, actually i got nothing to blog about, but the thing is that i changed my blogskin and you know what? I don't find it nice, but i like the fonts ya, haha, i know i sound idiotic. -.-
Last night was a slow night, i took a long time to fall asleep, "Promise in the dark" was kept playing on my Handphone. Tears were shed due to unhappy memories, felt asleep after that, woke up at 8am, but didn't went out of the room, daydreamed for 30 minutes, alot of things were going round in my mind and i think, i am not perfect at all in so many ways.
I use to have a bad attitude that i fought with my friends which leds to ap art.
I use to have a bad temper that i always vent it on people although they didn't complained.
I got a very stubborn personality which somehow make me more stronger.
I am a very lazy bum who don't study at all in class which make me so stupid now.
I am struggling now, with my notes right infront of me, wanting to cry it all out.
I woke up, was really very moody, changed blogskin and i am happier, hehe. :P
Uhm, okay, time now is 11.44am, gotta go and bath and head out already.
I hope today will be a better day compared to yesterday's, wish me all the best. And to you people too, have a good day. ^^
And, one last very very important thing, i seriously misses Babyboy alot. :'(
Haiz, tomorrow N level 1st paper liao, gonna mug again. :<
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