2nd monthsary.
This part is for none other than my dearest boyfriend. <:
Time flies, its been 2 months 5 days since im with you. Never thought that i'll have a chance to be in a relationship for the 2nd month. Frankly speaking, this is my first time being in a relationship that has been going strong and that has been lasting for 2 month plus. Once again, thanks for everything, 3rd month soon okay? Hehe, best! <: Love you 2themax, let's work towards our target, our 18th year old. :)
Alright, haha, im done. Im still having flu, and a lil bit of headache. Plus coughing now, one word, suck. Grr, going to polyclinic later on, probably with Baby, hopes he doesn't have to go out with his family, if not im going to be a loner already. :/
Playing Cafe world now, sometimes im kinda lazy to play, cause the internet lags like hell and my laptop will go sl....o..w.. Haha, so yeah, can feel the anxiety in me? Rofl, im still at level 10, wtf. Faster level 11 leh, i want to cook new dish! ^-^
Mom and dad is going to go for work soon, hmm. Time check now is 9.31am. I think baby is still sleeping bah? :/ Hmm. Was watching Singapore Idol last night, i think Charles is good at Beatboxing, but when he sings, like wtf _1_.
Then Shezali (i think so) i find him very ugly, and he look damn pervertic and the most funny thing is that when one of the contestant was being eliminated, he cried and my brother went na ge chao ah gua ku liao. Lol! Hahaah! Then i kinda like Amira. Haha, i like her voice, ^^
Okay, hmm slept around 12.01am, after texting with Baby and i fell asleep, cannot tahan already. Okay lah, i stop here first okeh.
Baibai, ttul. :)
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