Moving on.

Okie dokie, hello readers. I know you people misses my post especially my tx readers, bahah! Many things happened these few days, buckets of tears will be appearing if i were to collect. Nah, kidding.
Hahaha, im being so emotional uh, for this whole week. and damn it, i wasted alot of time too, and i lost 5 kg, like cool or what? cause i skipped my meals every now and then. ;]
Once lovers, once bestfriend. Never ever regretted, its over between us. Perhaps we wasn't good enough for each other, although i still love you alot, but i have to move on. We can't go far, and we have to stop just 10 days before our 3rd monthsary. People say if we were to pass the 3rd month, 5 month will not be a problem. After 5 month, we can last for long, very long.. I'll not forget you, there's alot of wonderful memories between us. Takecare, always here for you, your bestfriend. :)
Today i went to 12th floor, stayed till 5pm till gummy, ayun, iskandar asked me to stop waiting and leave. So we went to slacked downstairs, and then me and cheryl went to have mac. I had my first meal for today, but i only ate a lil. Better than not eating okay, 5kg mind you!!! So after eating, left plaza. Guess who i saw!! Izad, mwahaha! Called him and waved to him, and left. Lame much i know, lols. Left for petir, cheryl lrt back while i walked to 139 to meet up Gummy, Ayun and Iskandar.
Had loads of fun with 'em, they really tried to talk some sense into me, i was speaking rubbish all the time. And, god damn it, i farted infront of Ayun and he was so shocked and stare at me and i laughed so loudly. And then Gummy laughed too, haha! Then Gummy left around 7+ while i stayed since Ayun said he will send me home, wakwakwa! :P
Stayed till 8.15pm, then they send me till 11 floor. Never failed to say "dont think so much lah emily" from Gummy before he left, haha! Reached home, bath, texted, online.
I've decided to move on, i hope i can do it. I know you won't find another girl like me, everyone is different. Im unique in my own way, and so do you. I will never find a boy like you, seriously. Im moving on, we'll be together if what the quiz's result is true.
It takes time, thanks to all those who bothered to ask how was i, am i doing fine, giving me advices. People like Wenhui, Esther, Victoria, Aryna, Fana, Sera, Emmabel, Cammie, Gummy, Ayun, Iskandar, Farris & Mira Sherman for advices. Love you all to the max. :*
Okay la, on msn with Ayun now. Later conference with Iskandar and Ayun! Perhaps with Aryna! Okay bye.
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