i miss you

time now is 11.19am. on msn with cammie and fana right now. and its raining too. heavy rain. nice weather to sleep, haha! going for a haircut later on with fana at greenridge.
im going to work soon, but at a new place, a office girl. hopefully i'll get that job, as i really want to change my job, i don't wanna work as a hawker girl selling juices, nor do i want to sell handphones. A clerk, with a reasonable pay. 1 hour = 6.50$. Isn't it great?
brother just came back with his friend, yong chang. kinda bored right now. not gonna hug the laptop for long today. when i comes back around evening, shall go and sleeeeep till night time.
Im updating my playlist and also blogging right now. Hmm, last night was a difficult night for me. Cried while thinking of you and writting my diary. You know what? I miss you alot..
This two days seems to be that we broke up. I miss you alot, you know? :'(
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