Erasing, erased.

Okie, last night was great. Lemme elaaaaborate okie. Bahaha, hehoha. :D
Was on Msn with Gummy, Cammie & Baby! Seriously 3 of them made me laugh alot. Haha, baby is being silly. Gummy and Cammie is fighting in a funny way like they always use to, rofl!
Was on Facebook last night. Me and Izzuan was chatting on my photo comment column and cause those people who had commented on the picture before to recieve tons of notifications. Haha! And we planned to hit 200 but at the 100th comment, i got to go. Haha! ;P will continue sooon, bahaha!
And after going offline, had conference with Sri and Sera. And this 2 girl kept making me laugh despite me having a headache. And seriously, im so happy that they are with me, especially Sera. And also Sri, both of them never fail to make me laugh, hehe. And i miss them alot. Shall meeeet them up soon!! (:
Then went to watch movie with brother, we stayed up till 2.30am, and the show was god damn hilarious, haha. Enjoy watching movies with my brother, hehe. Then went to sleep straight away, was thinking whether to celebrate anot, cause Baby, Gummy, Cammie, Sri, Sera is bugging me to celebrate it, -__- Let me think yeeeeeeh?
Today, woke up around 11+. Then wash up, online, chatted with Huzai, Billy, Cammie and also Fana! (: Going to hospital later on, so shall get ready soon, appointment is 3pm dok! :D
Okay la, bye!
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