I miss baby.
Okie hello, im currently on msn with Baby and Dion. Sera just brb on me, so yeaaah, waiting for her to be back. ^^v And guess what, Sera went offline. Dumbshit! And now baby is going offline already, i mean he already went offline. *sad* But nevermind, i got Dion to play msn games with me, hiak hiak hiak! :P
Today was the most borrrrriest day i ever had. My whole body aches and i had a difficult time using my laptop. So i went to sleep for 4 hours and its very shiok okie. Haha. Had slight fever too, dumb shit. Lol, headache too. Haha, and it stared to rain. Thunder came and shocked me, i thought what thing bang in sia, hahah!
Then slept till 9pm, did my stuffs already then came online. Okie, was playing with my webcam just now and went to Cameroid.com and it was fun. Haha. Shall show you all okie. <:

Okie, im done. Hmm, now i miss baby alot. Been 5 days since i last seen him. ]: Geeez, im still kinda sick now, gonna sleep early tonight. Okie, dion is gonna turn in already, its 12.47am for her over there at Melbourne.
25 more days to Dion's arrival to Singapore ^^ (YAY!)
16 more days to 3rd monthsary.
17 more days to my birthday! Weeee~
Okie bai, i sees Samdol online, wahaha. <:
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