5 more hours, 41 minute more to go!

Okay, can't wait for countdown later'on!!!! Heheh! So now im waiting for Cammie to come over. And i will head to Bangkit after that, lol. Alright, 2009.... :D
I've been through alot, i've went through different stages of life, most importantly, i got to be much stronger after different incidents, heartbreaks, tears, laughters, everything.
School life was great, friends are always there to make me laugh, and most importantly, make school days enjoyable. I've been through stress, especially the period when im struggling with my art piece. I am very regretful for what i did to Mdm Fatimah, and i hope she'll get to read this and Im so sorry Mdm Fat, i'll always remember you ^.^
Friends, i met new friends, i found my old-time bestfriend, Joyce. Friends come and go, but i appreciate those who stayed by my side and go through difficult moments with me. :) I love friends! ^^
Love life, i will never compare my both relationship, but i will always understand, who truely loves me and who doesn't. I don't understand lies and truths, all i know is because of one of my ex, i chose to live in a world of lies and now im like a girl who can't accept the truths. But its alright, afterall i deserve these maybe, i'm lettin go, but still i wanna thanks Hazmi & Ayun. Thanks for making the effort to make me smile when im down, i do love you guys. And not forgetting too, Nelson chua! :]
Bestfriends. Thanks for everything, especially Hazmi, Fana & Fadhila. 3 of you are the best, thanks alot! I hope 3 of you won't forget me cause i will never ever forget my Pork, My pendek, and my Mummy bohsia!! :D :D
Sisters. Sera, Cammie, Emma, Victoria, Esther, Wenhui, Ahling, Kristlyn, thanks girls. I am so glad that i met you girls, i love you all. sisters4lyfe. :D \m/
Brothers. Gummy, Jieming. Only both of you, haha! Thanks for making the effort to make me feel better, best brothers ever :)
Shakir, Farris, Suhaimi, Sri, Ira boinboin, Alastair, Fahmi, Huzaifah, Tina, Yingying, Cheryl, Vivien, Aslina, Sidek, Vera, Yimling and whoever sees this, especially my loyal readers. I'd like to apologize for everything that i've done that i've did. Hopefully 2010 will be a great year for us.
2009 was more of a bad year for me, but i believe that 2010 will be much better! I'll be stucked inside a air-conditioned room for the whole year, more like a loner to be exact. Hahaha, but still, i hope 2010 will be a grrrrreat year and i'll be 17 next year!!
So yeah till here, bye! :D
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