Your bones, your beauty.

Okay second post for today. So yeah, shall not waste time already ^.^
Slept at 3am last night and woke up at 8.30am today, very sleepy so i went back to sleep, haha! So my mom woke me up again and i went to bath straight away, then went for interview by car. Then when i stepped into the office, i was dumbfounded, :/ Cause the room smell like rotton onions (Fana should know what i meant, haha inside joke!!!)
Then i sat down like a nerd, filled up some form, went into the room and talk to the boss (?) and then he asked alot of questions, then he told me i was employed and this is our conversation.
Boss : Okay, so Emily you can start work on the 4th next year. *smile*
Me : Ah? Next year?!
Boss : Yeah, which is next week.
Me : Next week?! *in mind think, wah cb, so fast 2012 ah?"
Boss : Now is still 2009.
Me : Oh yeah, smile*
I know im god damn stupid but hahahah whatever :P Then i left, went to look for Dad, Mom & Eugene. Then went to mom's shop, online, then headed off to Jurong East. Met Vivien, Ying & Cheryl. Then Ying alighted as she got to work while 3 of us headed to Simei.
Took 5 to Tamp ITE. On the bus, we saw this guy who is kinda not normal like us, he dropped his bag and he said "Opps, sorry" very loudly and me and Vivien straight away laugh, i know its mean and rude, but seriously, its god damn fucking funny, lol!!! Registered, took photo, bought uniform. Cheryl bought those, not me and Vivien as we are taking traineeship :O Then what i hated the most when its payment period, fuck man, we queued for 45 minutes!!! Stupid or what, bodoh banana. _1_ Haha, then pay already, went back by 67 while Vivien took 168 to Bedok.
Went to Timah, then bought dinner home and went seperate ways, took picture but lazy to upload :/ So yeah, haha. Right now im on msn with Fana & Yihui. And i got a post for Fana :D :D

Eh pendek, you know something? You these few days seems so worried about your ITE or rather 4th January. Everything's gonna be fine, trust me. You're such a cute lil short girl (LOL) and i promise you, its gonna be so easy for you to make new friends ;) Don't be afraid la bitch, you ah make me sad also sia!! My workplace is even worse, Onion + adults = mampus!! So yeaaaah, what's handphone for huh?! Don't be sad okay bff?! I promise you i won't lose contact with you, no matter WHAT! HAHAHAHA ^.^ LOVE YOU O.O

So this is Yihui, and we somehow look alike siaaaaaah :O HAHAHA!! So shocking!! Okay la, im lame zzz. So yeah, just now Emma pendek send me something and she said it was meant for our ex-boyfriends, lol! And so here it goes ;
I thought we would be together for so long
You were so sweet and charming with your words you said.
But something happened I don't know what went wrong
I cried so hard just lying in my bed.
k bye..
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