So crazy, cause i need you with me.

So last night, i ate my breakfast + lunch + dinner @ 2am, and its just a bowl of maggie. Haha awesome ah!? Okay, because of this, Nelson scolded me for like 15 minutes non-stop. -,- And if i don't have my meals, he will ____ __ alive. :S HAHAHAA, NOBDOY WILL KNOW THIS. LOL.
Last night, while eating, me and my bro saw 1 fucking giant coackroach. Okay la, not giant, but big la, compared to a normal coackroach. And omg, when i see that, i was fucking scared and jump up on the sofa, so does my brother. Haha and i called Gummy & Nelson and what they said was "Kill it la!" But i don't have the courage to do so, lol.
Then in the end its dead, hahahahahah!! Then quickly eat already went to room. Then slept at 3am, 1 hour earlier. :P Lmao, then slept till 9+ and mom called.
Woke dad up and went back to sleep. Then woke up at 12+ and wash up, bath, msn :) Help Ira & Nelson with their blogskins, and then msn with Fana. She got me so sad uh, but what to do, this is part of life.. :) So yeah, Fana don't brood over it too much okie! ^^ Love you 2themax. :-)
Thanks to those friends who worried for my ITE courses, thanks for gettin stress up for me too when i didn't got any course. Hah, i know you guys won't get to read this, but still thanks. I've already sign up for traineeship course, i got no choice either, so i'll just take and see how it goes. And im going for an interview tomorrow at 10am, and shucks, it early right x.x
But fuck care uh, just go only zzz. Means i have to sleep by 2am today, if not tomorrow confirm late!! HAHA, its at Bukit Merah for god damn sake. -__-
Okay, i'll blog again later then, bye!
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