bitter yet sweet, short yet long.

Okay im here to post for today and i think this will be my only post for today? Firstly, i fucking hate my internet now, fucking firefox's screen is too small and i can't change my theme for my tumblr. Urgh fuck this _1_
Okay basically last night i met Ayun and passed him the sony ericsoon charger and usb. And guess what?! My mom lost the other charger and i got no charger now. Damn stupid lah me, now my battery left 8% only, omg. So i won't be replying messages/answering calls for this afternoon.
Suppose to go to Dover this morning with Ayun for his application for ITE. But i can't make it due to something, kinda fucked up uh, nevermind forget about it. :(
Currently on facebook, can't wait for 28th dec. Been recieve-ing the text that says that i made them smiles in the year 2009. Im sorry that i'm able to reply/forward as my battery's gonna die on me very very soon. So i'll forward it tonight okay! [:
Im fucking hungry now, on msn with Shehnaz right now, and we're discussing about drama's outing. Kinda eager to plan and make it an enjoyable one.
k la, bye.
do you know that i lend my charger to you on purpose cause i want to see you badly?
afterall, i hope its worth it, don't break my heart.
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