uncontrollable mucus.

Uhuh, mucus are coming out of my nose like nobody's fucking business. I fucking hate flu and yes, im going have flu again like fuck! _1_ Urgh, i hate flu! Fuck!
Right now, im on msn with Fana. And people let me tell you all something, my right side of my nose is fucking irritating, its so itchy and i feel like digging it, hahahahhaah omg im gross x.x
Time now is 7.56pm. Im wondering whether has the plane landed? *shrugs* Forget it, im feeling very bad now, my nose is gonna fucking kill me tonight.
you know i miss you darling, you know i do. and i often ask myself, this is only one sided, and there's no point of me waiting any longer. you can love, you don't want. you can't love, you want. how complicated can this be? love is the most scariest thing in earth yet people loves to give it a try no matter how scary is it, fuck this fact.
gonna be out tomorrow for the whole day, like finally!! gonna head to mom's shop and then to aunt's house at bedok! hopefully my flu will be gone by tomorrow morning, if not i'll be so fucking grumpy for the whole day x.x"
im so sad naow, as in since when i woke up, i don't know why and i won't say why and neither will i go and brood over it.
So people, go and fuck yourself, bye!
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