I miss you again.

Slept at 3+ and Huzai called Fadhila. And what i thought was "Confirm mabok." HAHA. Then he talked to me and he told me something which made me so upset with myself. :( But its okay! Then he talked to Huzai while i went to sleep.
Today, woke up at 12pm, called Fana. Then bath, ate chicken rice then head out to Pending to meet Fana :) Then headed to Greenridge and had Fadhila's hair cut and im so jealous, her hair is so "scene" like and its so hawt! Haha! ;P Supposed to meet Fahmi samdol, but then he sleeping, what a pig!! ZZZZZZ!! HAHAHA. (Hope he won't see this)
Then we went to Banquet and had Fana's lunch settled there, then we went to Cck, headed to the rooftop, then watch kids playing bubbles -_- Then called up bestfriend and i answered, i was so happy to hear bestfriend's voice!!! :D :D HEHE!
Then went to bus interchange and waited for Suhaimi. Then bought ice-cream after going to Courts. Then walk to Farris's block. Wah, his face.... MOUSE! Hahahahah! Then slacked there, and Farris is so nice to ask whether am i ok.. and he kept asking and asking till i said "IM OK!" HAHAHA.
Then we left around 5.45 and trained to Pending while Fana alighted at Phoenix. Went to Bangkit, bought dinner. Then walked back.
Reach home, online. Today im very sad, i cried infront of Fana, Fadhila & Suhaimi. Omg, so paisey. -_- Sorry ah guys, i cannot tahan sia, i finally cried. LMAO.
How long is this gonna last? Will you forget about me? Will you remember what you said?
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