
Friday, December 18, 2009

Cry me out.

Okay im here to post. Today's post will be a long but short post, rofl -.- Haha, i got no idea what am i saying either, haha! :/

Today i woke up at 9am, i used the laptop till 10.30am. Then i headed out to Bangkit to help my dad to deposit his money and went back home. Then off to Phoenix and finally Ayun called me. He overslept and after going to Phoenix i headed to 137 and met him up.

Then Ilham, Yanto came. Then Shafiq. Then i went back home to meet Fadhila and helped her with her stuffs and then meet Ayun and co again. Teman Ayun to have his hair cut with Shafiq. And while waiting, my gastric almost fucking killed me, i nearly fell asleep and i didn't dare to, i scared i faint, rofl. I know i sound stupid, so i end up walking around, to forget the pain, lol! I must learn to force myself to eat at least 1 meal a day seriously. Again today, i only ate a bowl of maggie and now i can't eat anymore.. Haiz. Im so.. changed. LOL.

So we walked to school, met Gummy and all at playground there and walk in. While walking halfway, i heard a "zut" and then i turn. Its my fana and sera! xD So i walked with them instead of Ayun and co. :P Walked with them, and then borrowed hairspray from Gummy for Fana. Then sprayed already, walk in together.

Headed to General Office, had my school fees paid. Then headed to Hall. Met my classmates and fuh, Miko hot sia!! HAHA. Then more came in. Mr Han talked, and as usual, he is as naggy as everrrrrrrr. Then Mr Nasim! :) He really made us felt better and i'm so happy to see that Art has 100% of passers, rofl.

Then around 2.50pm, results are out. I was the 4th one to take and when im walking towards, i can see Jiawei staring at me as if im going to die. LOL. Then i sat down, then took my results already, my hands was shivering and i can't even sign properly -_- Then they shooked my hands and when i went back, Emma all was staring at me, i was like "i go ITE sia!" LOL.

I cried for no reason too, hahaha! Lol, but then after crying, i sat down and stone there. Seriously can't smile or what, called my mom. Then hung up, knowing that Fadhila, Shakir, Angelo passed and was promoted to Sec 5 makes me happy for them ;) Tina was promoted too, happy for her! After taking result, i left the hall with Gummy as i really no mood to stay inside the hall.

So went to Foyer, and then told Gummy everything. I felt fucking better, lol. Then Gummy left and i went to look for Ayun. Then left school with him and his friends. Then we went to 139 while his friends left. Then Ayun head home and i stayed there. Like one crazy girl, then i went to Petir.

Went to 170 and reach there, got this one fat girl stare at me as tho i ate her mom, i got fucking fed up and i stared back. Then met Gummy and his sister and Cammie and one more girl. Headed to buy drink and then went to Gummy's sister's boyfriend's house. Then stayed there, stress sia!

Stayed till 6pm and i went home. Reach home, bath, online. Quite a number of people asked how was my result. I am so upset with myself man, omg. x.x"

Ayun's leaving tomorrow instead of today. I feel like typing out everything, but then forget it, i'll leave it to my private blog. :) Ayun, takecare at Hongkong okay!

Seeing everyone's faces today made me smiled, i missed so many people and it was a great feeling of seeing everyone. After taking result, i see some with smiles on their face, some with no emotions, some got so excited and kept laughing. Congrats to Izzuan and Kamilah for being the top students of 2009 ;)

Looking at the brighter side, im out of CDSS and im free! ITE life would be much "free" compared to Sec life i suppose? I can't wait and at the same time afraid too. But this is part and parcel of life i reckon. Haiz.

Im feeling so sad for no reason, i got so no mood for no reason seriously. My heart broke since 9 days ago and now, its broken into 4 pieces and not 2 pieces anymore. I need a hug, badly.

Tonight im going to cry, and scare Fadhila. I want to see you tomorrow morning, badly. Im leaving on 31st december, see this again, i'm leaving on 31st, please come back before i leaves.

Goodbye, my heart is broken into 4 pieces, omgz. :(


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