Happy faces.

Okay hello! Im here to post ;) Well, i've stayed at home for the whole day, like again. Its indeed boring, seriously. And what's killing me is that my internet wasn't connected for the whole afternoon! And it got connected at 5+, and im so happy to see it connected!! :D
So yeah, was on msn with Fadhila and we were talking about tumblr cute guys, bahaha! And brother just downloaded my favourite song of mine, Empire State Of Mind - Jay Z ft Alica Keys. Its very nice! Try to listen to it, ;) Haha, lmao~
So im suppose to head out for interview tomorrow, but dad forbided me to :( I've to stay at home and clean my room as its fucking messy (seriously) and he wants me to clean it and so as to welcome Fadhila! :) Hehe, see fadhila, i become maid sia! Lol, kidding ;)
Tomorrow is 14th, and fuck, 4 more days to result! _1_ And then 15th comes!!!! I can't wait! Had a chat with bestfriend just now, seriously, the way bestfriend elaborates the whole thing is so cute! As usual lah that bestfriend of mine, bahahah.
Currently now on msn with Cammie & Ira meimei ;) Im gonna blog about meimei now. Hehe ^^

She's the one in green (obviously) Haha, pretty kan?! Hmm, i wanna say thanks to her for always asking me whether did i had my meals, cause i am a person who likes to skip meals for no reason. Bahah! I hope she will maintain her happiness like now till eternity ;) Next year sec 3 already ah, upper sec already, aisey! Must study very hard from next year, if not end up like me, kanchiong for N level x.x"
All the best k meimei, i love you ^.^ Hehe! & stay happpy ah!!! :D
& i miss you alot. :'(
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