
Today, i woke up at 11.48am. Last night, i went to sleep around 2+ and seriously, i can't sleep. I got no idea why too, after reading some texts, i finally fell asleep, i feel so pathetic, lol. -.- Mom's coming back tomorrow with dad, and tomorrow, im headed to Great World City with Fana and perhaps Farris too, for interview @ Fish &Co. <;
Can't wait, today is 13th, tomorrow is 14th. Wait, just 5 more days to release of N level's result! Oh my god, im very nervous and no longer excited. Rofl!
My dear Cammie is coming back from her camp today at Pulau Ubin, i miss msn-ing with her man, lol! And also, Gummy~ He's starting work today, all the best k brother, 12 hours dok, tahaaaaan, can lose fats!! HAHAHA, remember our deal ah! December must slim! If notttt, you owe me fishballs! :P
SOOOOO, I JUST ADDED A FORMSPRING ON MY TUMBLR!! And angmohs are starting to talk to me, how wonderful, bahahahahah!! K la, i update later alright. Ciao!
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