day 1

Okay 2nd post. Today fucking no mood again, it suck alot. Headed to meet Cammie downstairs. Then headed to 125, slacked there, did housework, fucking shocked by those coakcroaches, damn, its all baby coakcroaches!!! _1_ them all, and 3 girls which is me, Cammie & Gummy's sister was screaming like mad girls.
We slacked inside the house, was fun. Managed to really laugh, cause of Gummy that joker brother of mine. So i went home, charge my phone & went back. Then we headed to Bangkit but Gummy stayed at home. Then went back to 125, then went home.
Im feeling so fucked up, wondering what is fucking wrong with me?! I didn't committed any mistakes and why? Can i ask why? Can i know why? Today is day 1, yet i can't take it, what about day 2? I can't fucking take it, but i know i must. And i must.
Tomorrow, thursday, 10th. I want to hug you so badly. I want to tell you how much i missed you, can i? :'(
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