im sad today.

Okay, on 10 January 2004, i was still a primary 5 kid then, and when i was on my way home, i saw this dog being tied up with strings that people use it to tie bananas, attached to a bench. I was with my brother and my maid then. And, i stared at it for 1/2 hour and i was wondering should i bring it home. And for your info, i was fucking scared of dogs, no matter its big or small in size, to me they are very fierce.
But even im scared, i still want it to be staying with us and i insisted in walking home from our school. My school was located around Senja while im staying at Segar. Which is 3 train station away. So if i were to walk, it will take 45 minutes. My brother was lazy and he was mad at me for forcing him to bring this poor dog home. So in the end, we walked home with this lil dog.
We named it Milo. And we decided on 10 January to be his birthday. For the 1st 2 weeks, i didn't dared to go near it, and surprisingly, Milo knows that im afraid of it so it didn't came near me, indeed clever. :) And slowly, i am not scared of it after 1 month later.
And every 10 January, we'll buy birthday cake for Milo. And we'll sing birthday songs for it. And it know that its the birthday of it's, and it was barking and running around us, how adorable can it be? (:
There was one time when it ran out of the house, and we were looking for it like mad kids, shouting for its name, like what i said earlier on, mad kids. Then guess what? It stayed inside the lift and then somehow the lift stopped at 11th floor, which is our house is. It ran out, and stayted outside our house, and kept barking. And when we saw Milo, everyone was laughing at it and my dad scolded it for running away, haha.
Milo brought us laughters, and yes, i love it alot, alot. When i was editting this picture for Praba, i noticed that my eyes are turing watery. The thoughts of Milo bitting my lipgloss, eating up my cake when im not looking just went away.
I have to give it away as my grandma hates Milo. And i seriously hate her for this, i got no choice but to give it away. But damn, im not prepared. I hope Praba will take good care of Milo, and when Praba don't want Milo anymore, i want it back, understand Praba?!!
Its a mix breed, Jack Russel + Terrier. Male, Milo. Its birthday is on 10 January 2004. It must not be left alone at night sleeping at the living room area, it will cry. This dog is super pampered by us cause it sleeps in the masterbed room with air-con on. And it loves Durian and Century Eggs.
:'( im starting to cry, wtfffffffffff. :'( Argh!
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