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okay hello again. ;) im so happy today! okay, i've to admit that i don't care about my tumblarity, but that only applys when it drops. And guess whut?! It rised up from 700+ to 965! Wah, happy to the max!
Haha okay enough of that, i sound like a bitch, lol! Hmm today, i stayed at home for the whole day, pretty boring tho. Hmm, been bitching about those who talk bad about Beyonce on with Fadhila, lol! And Beyonce didn't went for any operation on her body regarding her boobs, her nose or whatsoever okay?! _1_ you all la, lol!!
Hmm tomorrow is coming on my way!! Imma meet that pendek for sure, no matter what, unless she is really sick :( Haha, so yup, i hope she won't fall sick and sleep early. ^^
Currently on msn with Ira boin boin & Gummy. Gummy just brb-ed on me, and he will be back at 9.20pm. So yeah, im on tumblr posting now too. And god! My tumblarity soar-ed up to 1001 already!!!
Me so happy today, seriously. Hahaha!! Im going offline tonight early i guess? :x I got no idea uh, today is 12th, tomorrow 13th. Then 14th, then 15th!!! I can't wait for 15th to come!
15th is because of Fadhila's arrival, not other alright ;) Oh, bestfriend coming back tomorrow already!!
K bai~
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