11th day.

So last night, i had a talk with my mom. I wanted to took Pastry course and my parents was kinda not satisfied with my choices so they asked me to choose somemore and they'll see how. I got no idea what to take.
Was on Msn with Hazmi last night and he was disappointed in my results and he went "wah... you!!!" HAHAHA, as usual. :) Was also on Msn with Khamirul Bffl a.k.a God I Love Ari. HAHA. Then chatted with him and he is still sacarstic and funny too, and he never fail to ask me to stay single.
Went to Bangkit with Fadhila last night and she kept scolding me "stupid" for no reason, haha! Then bought food and also big glup! And i so kental when she wanted to mix Coke, Ice Lemon Tee & 1OOPlus. Cause i was afraid of lao-sai, haha! LOL. Then she still insisted, so she went to mix it and she let me tried, and wtf, its nice. LMAO! Then we laugh so loud in the 7Eleven, lol!
Then we walk back and had our dinner at 12am -.- Then after eating, we stayed at the living room... Doing.... Not what you thinking la, we were talking. :) Then while talking, i was texting with Nelson and he said he will cook maggie for me again, and this time he say it will be tasty, lol! Haha, the last time i met him was on the 30th December 2008. So now, 30th december, meet? Haha!
Then Fadhila fell asleep and i continued to text with Nelson. Till about 2+ we both went to sleep. Then today i woke up at around 10+. Then bought my dog out of my room as Fadhila is somehow scared of its saliva -_- Then brought him out already, then packed our rooms. Then wash clothes and now we are stuck at home, cause its raining and we can't go to Bangkit for Popiah and Rojak! T.T And we haven't bath too, hahahah!
I've forced myself to admit the fast that was stated 10 days ago, shall not talk about it, its so *$$#*#@&&$!!!! So yup, skip this!
I went to Bangkit with Fadhila just now and we ate our breakfast/Lunch/dinner there, lol! Had fun too! We laughed and someone told me he loved me and i was fucking shocked. And i shouted and Fadhila got shocked, haha!
Im feeling very confused now, i feel like taking the chopper at chop all those guys out there who don't know how to treat girls! I got no idea whether am i sad or happy, i said i wanna move on, but i got no idea what am i going to do in the future, or after tonight..
Im officially lost, i got no idea how do i feel afterall. I sound so emo, and my blogsongs also so emo, wahpiang -_- So not me!
I WANT THE OLD ME!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
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