Holding hands causes heat

Okay hello! Im done with my dinner already, so im here to post for today ;) Well, today i've decided to change my blogskin as im feeling kinda down ever since few days ago, so yeah, if i were to change blogskin, i'll feel happier! Haha i know im weird :/
So i spend 2 hours on the links section and im kinda shag after doing so, but looking at the result, i am very satisfied with it ^^ Hehe, congrats to me! And thanks for the compliments too :) I doubt i'll change this blogskin so soon, hehe. Its so pretty!
So yeah, 2 more days and im off to work! Im going to meet Fana up tomorrow for her haircut, and i was wondering should i have my hair cut too? Let me think ayeeeeeeeee. Haha! Cause i want my hair to be long but yet i have the urge to have my hair cut :-(
So if i were to cut, what hairstyle should i cut? Okay la, shall drop this topic. I am on MSN with Lingsheng right now, and we're both talking about the same topic and shitttt, and he know my weakness already, damn it. Haha, but its okay la, we're on the same boat, okay not really. Zzzz, whatever :P Haha!
Hmm today is quite a boring day, i woke up at 1.06pm. And last night i was watching a movie with my family but not Edmus as he went to sleep already. The show was god damn funny and we slept at 1am+ :D
Cousins are coming back, and yes, my kaki gerek is here to talk with me till all of us are sleepy!! Yay i can't wait :P And i can't wait to bitch about you-know-who with Yongsheng too!! :D
Alright shall stop here already, bye@ Catch me on tumblr ;)
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