2nd post, hmm nothing much to say lah, just now after my first post, i went to sleep. Then fadhila called using Shakir's phone, asking me where am i, so i told her that im at home. Then she hung up -.- I was like super blur, so i was like Huh? Oh ok, bye. Lol! Then i went back to sleep, but my dog was barking non-stop and i knew, something is wrong, so i just heck care and went back to sleep, how i know, i really guessed correctly.
Fadhila and Shakir is outside my house! -.- Haiyor, so i sacrificed my sleep and went out to talk to 'em, talked about alot of stuffs, haha, he taught me alot of stuffs, and fadhila was all along being very friendly towards me but i spoke in a very sacarstic way to her as i was angry at her, lol.
Till 6 plus, went to bustop, waited for 75, then Shakir board his bus alr, Fadhila and me went to Bangkit. While walking, we saw Aliff Aziz, and i was god damn excited, although i always sees him, but whenver i sees him, i go happy, real happy, hahaha! Then i go so excited till i pulled Fadhila's hand and told her "aliff aziz!!!!!" then Aliff Aziz was like looking at both of us, till he board his cab, hahaha!
Went to had popiah, then after that went home. Home, watch tv, online ^-^
Currently on msn with my only dinda, ^^ (lovee!) Hmm, took pictures today, here you go. >
Finally, a proper photo of FESEFF! ^-^

So sweet of fadhila, thank you dear, although it not the right date, lol. ^^
Fieza! {3
Alright, shall end here, tag me alright? Goodbye, ^^
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