last night.

Okie hello. It was kinda hard last night to fall asleep but i managed to do it afterall. Was having conference and had a great time. Was talking about food last night with ayun, god damn funny. Haha, got me laughing like hell. Then we talked in chinese, and their accent is very cute de lor, haha! And and, Iskandar too! I lurbe your english ah, "sheng shong". Haha!! :D
They made me day. I was alone at the 12th floor and Ayun & Emmabel called/texted me, asking me to stop waiting and go home. But i was very reluctant to, so Cheryl came and looked for me. Thanks for your shoulder girl, i appreciate much. Was crying and crying and when gummy reached, i stopped crying and my eyes are so puffy like -.-
That was yesterday. I hope today i won't cry anymore, i must be strong! (: Hehe, imma plan a bbq for my birthday and the guestlist too. Last minute much i know, and i must get my mood back for my birthday although im facing fucked up stuffs now.
And, im now missing you, argh. Get off my mind will you?! :(
Sorry for this extra post, you can choose to skip it. Im feeling damn emotional right now, but hopefully my tears won't drop. I was bloghopping and i kept hopping to those who are attached and quarreling in a rabak way. But i see their partner tagging them saying that although they fight, they still trust each other. And they will make it last no matter what.
After reading this, i looked back at our relationship. I seriously felt very sad, im missing you now, and my tears are coming out. Boy, i trusted you all the way, and maybe they way i texted you, you don't understand and you thought that i didn't trusted you.
You are still on my mind, when i was at the 12th floor yesterday, i kept crying and crying. I held our picture near to me, afraid of losing it, i held the dairy book very tightly, i cried and cried. How i wish we wasn't over, how i wish that i got you to cut the birthday cake with me. You are everything to me, but now, im trying to be strong but i just can't.
Hope you will find a better girl, cause the problem between us is communications. Im willing to go for it, talk it out. But you don't want to, i really waited for you yesterday, you can ask Ayun and the rest. They persuaded me to go home/leave that place, i just don't want to..
I miss you, alot my dear.. *cries*
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