What if your current boyfriend/girlfriend plays with your heart?

So what if eh? Its no longer a current as im single right now. But i can still relate to this topic as i felt this way before recently.
If my heart was being played, firstly i'll be the most stupid fucked up girl in the world to forgive him for the first time. And i'll hope and pray that he won't do it again. Yes i know very very very stupid.
As for the second time, it may a lil bit harder for me to forgive him, but still, i'll still forgive him but i will not forget about it. My feelings for him will slowly fade, but i'll make it come back from fading. And i'll make sure, i'll keep him with me, safely, making sure he won't do it again.
Third time, last chance, i'll forgive him again but i won't stop my feelings for fading. I know clearly that he is playing with the chances that i gives to him, playing with my feelings, and of course, taking me for granted.
At the point of time when i can't take it, i'll really let the rest of the love i have for him go. And after the break up, i'll take every chance to post my hatred and making sure that this hatred will fade soon as so to make it easier for me to let my heart open again.
The rest, i'll let karma do the dirty jobs, i may hate him, but i know, i'll still be there afterall when he really needs me.
Guys are big time egoist, fucking ego. They don't express their feelings when they are feeling really down, especially when they are in a relationship, and this cause awkward moments, unhappy moments and most importantly, slowly this relationship will be getting more boring and meaningless.
Sometimes i hope guys will at least forget about the ego in them in order to make it easier for girls to understand them.
And lastly, i hope, when guys says "i love you"/ "cause i syg you alot"/ "syg, i know im wrong, plz dun leave me"/ "i will never leave you", please fucking use your fucked up bloody pea size brain, because whatever you says, we girls will always remember, get this into your brain guys! -__-
Okay im done, bye.
Labels: Topic was from Kak iLah's blog.
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