Im so unhappy!

Alright, hello again readers. I'm finally free to come online and blog etc. I just called Mdm Fatimah just now, and guess whaat? Monday, art room is open and i've got to go back for pasting the velvet paper, any art students wanna tag along? :O Contact me okay? So my youth day holiday, i'm gonna spend it in school with my dearest Fana! Its been a week since i last seen her, i miss her alot alot. :'( So next monday, we'll be going to school together for Arrrrrt! :D
Alrrrright, the problem now is that i don't have velvet paper!! I've gotta go down to ArtFriend for it man! Wtfuck siah, i got no confidence that i can go out tomorrow, and if i can go, i also don't know who to jio siah, wtf! -_- I hate doing things last minute, i didn't know that the Art room is open on Monday, if i were to know, i will go buy today siah, but i don't know manzxxzxz!!!
I'm dead, how am i gonna face my daddy later man?! I shall persuade him to drive me there and drive me home tomorrow, hek hek hek! :D So let's pray that daddy will drive me there ^^ Ha ha ha!
I'm on msn with my dearest shorty, Fana Eeeee-row. ^^ Heh heh, and i'm watching Micheal Jackson's video too, and my eyes are abit teary now, i got one favourite song by him, You're Not Alone. And i see the lyrics, i felt like crying, :( I miss someone now, badly. :(
I got one good news, my dearest ex boyfriend, J is finally discharged from Hostel! And, i'm very very happy for him and also proud of him. ^^ Hope he will not do anything wrong & silly anymore, if not he will have to go in to Hostel again, probation is enough for you dude! Enjoy your life now, don't skip school okay! Although i know you don't know my blog, but who cares? :) Ha ha, love you! ( As a friend) :D All the best regarding everythang, dearest Ex! :>
Sooo, i gotta go now, chowz. And, rest in peace Mj. :D
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