I need a hug from ya.
Alright, i'm feeling very tired now, and upset too, alalala, moodswing ah! -_- Today school was alright. Woke up around 6am, went to bath, then went out at 7am. Then reached bustop, saw Alson, was asking him whether is there Mother Tongue class today, rofl. Then Shakir reached, the Fieza, Hadi & Fadhila, then Shakir, the Farris, Suhaimi. Then board the shuttle bus, then went to Class straight. :)
Then go back class, sat with Sidek. ^^ Then Mr Han came in, zzz. Then took temperature everything, and i almost scared myself to tits man, lol. My temperature was 37.3 man! Rofl! Haha, then after that had Chemistry, slept halfway :/ Then Sidek woke me up for P.E ^^ But i didn't bring P.E attire, rofl. Only 6 out of 34 students wore P.E attire man! Rofl! Then walked around the school for 1 round with Fieza & Fadhila. Then did 20 Push-ups. -_- Stupid sia, lol.
Then went to toilet, took pictures, we took quite alot ah, but i only edit 2, so here you go. ^^

He he, i clipped up my fringe as its so HAWT! Lol, i know i look v cheena and stupid. Rofl, but whatever la. And, my Art is saved, HOLY MAMA! :D Mdm Fat help me made the first move, hek hek hek! Then recess with Jason & Tina. Ying, Cheryl & Vivien didn't came.
I promise/swear that i will never leave my phone unattended anymore! What the fark sia today, i got really fucking pissed off by some irrespponsible people. 连基本礼貌都没有,你还怀孕,来学校干吗?!
Okay, i'm done. Ha ha, after schl, went for Art till 5.30pm, walked home, bathed, here i am. :)
I'm thinking, will our friendship drift apart? I don't want to drift with you, seriously.
Okay, back, shall reply tags now. ^^
kakak kau!: K best, we had fun riggggght?! :)
Fana: Hey Goofy!
Rain: K best, hehe ^^v
Esther: Lol, mine going over already! Yay, he he.
Fana: Take ah, i'm sick of David already. HAHAHA!
WANN WOOHOO: Diam la gemok, you freak. Owe me 2 Kinder!!
Fana: Ya la! Wahpiang.
Edited on 10.38pm.
Eh, seriously, i think GM gone too far, firstly, she is being such a selfish girl who chose someone whom wasn't really close and not someone who is close to her. And like wtfuck, she's like no ingredient, its super fucking no ingredient, and wtfuck, she so laolan on her fucking space, and like wtfuck la! Everyone got feelings, and don't you have feelings too biatch?! You got to accept tha fact that you're acting like a fucking ah hai down here, and you know? If you want people to know who you feels, then you ought to know how do people feels at the very first place! Eh sia la, you boh taonao siboh, wtfuck la you. -'- Stop seducing boys la, fuck off man! You're being such a disgrace la, you totally disgraced all tha females man! And you rants as if you were right, you did nothing wrong. Like hello! You made a grave mistake man, how could you do this?! I know ah, you not scared of malu, you're so fucking shameless, but hello, this dearest friend of mine is definately not as shameless as you okay, hognosed. -'- Find your own, don't take people's!
And fyi, this is my fucking blog, you don't like it, come talk to me. -'- Pubor, GM!
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