I've got no pictures today, i'm tired of staying back in school everyday till 6pm. :( Seriously, i'm very tired, its so tiring and annoying. Haizxzxsxzxz! No choice, i have to buck up alreadyy! :(
Alright, early in the morning Cheryl & Fadhila texted me, i was still sleeping then, then woke up, bathed, bus down to Assumption. Then met Aslina & Fadhila, walked up to school together, reached school, i bought my Mineral Water first! :D Then Fadhila pulled me along to loook for my girlfriend, Aryna! ^^ Then while looking for her at the parade square, saw my bestfriend! Ohmyfuckingod, he look so damn bloody fucking hawt with his new hairstyle okay!! Ha ha ha, *melts. Nah, kidding. ^^
After talking to Aryna, we went back to the canteen, took our bags, salam Kak Fieza, then we go back class, met our co-form teacher, she is super cute i tell ya, rofl. But she likes to stop myself from sitting like a boy, rofl. -_- Lol, but she's damn super cute i tell you! Had Fast, then Physics.
Then Mother Tongue, took videos and pictures of my ladies, hehe! Then headed for recess at 11am which is like finally!!! Reach canteen, didn't eat, Fana Darling called, then me & Fadhila went to look for Pluto. Then after that talked to him, but he so tiki sey! :(
Saw my hawt bestfriend, wtfuck sia, he damn hawt sia! GRAAAAAAA! Then after that, went back class for English. Mrs Kalai was late, so me and Fadhila headed to the ground floor and look for the my favourite gemok gatal auntie! ^_^ He he, then after that wanted to go back class, but saw Shakir, Suhaimi & Idris running towards us, then heard Mrs Kalai's screaming, and me & Fadhila ran too. HAHAHA! Then saw bestfriend ^^ Then after that we ran, but went back class with Idris while Suhaimi & Shakir went to SHIT. HAHA.
Then saw Mrs Kalai, and and, she wasn't angry with us! ^^ Haha, then we made fun of her, and Idris were playing with his phone's caller id, and he were saying our names out-loud on his phone so that our contacts will come up, and he goes Shakir, Fadhila, Fieza O, Emily. Then he said : MEENATCHI! Which is Mrs Kalai's name! The whole group were laughing, so do i! Ha ha ha ha, then after that had social studies, were upset with myself, whart Mr Raj said was indeed true, and im totally LOST. :(
Then Mr Nasim came, we went to Library, then after that went canteen...
Had a super long talk with Farris, and it went well, of course, both of us were calm. And we end off by laughing out loud, ahhahahha! Then after that headed to Art room, stayed till 5.45pm, super tired. :(
Then they walk down while i walked up. Reached home, was on the phone with my girlfriend, she's down with fever, aww. Get well soon girl! ^^ Went to Bangkit, then here i am. :)

I wanna thanks The Usual for all the laughters, and thanks for the accompany from morning till 6pm every school day. Thanks alot, especially Kak Fieza & Fadhila Nonok. You two make my day everyday, starting with a sweet smile, ending with unstoppable laughters. ^^ Thanks both, seriously. The Usuals, always make my day, thanks for everyday, :) I'm looking forward to every school day because of you guys, seriously. Thanks! See you all tomorrow! :D
Vera: Thanks girl. ^^
♥\ JOLEEN: Aiai, misses ya! ^^
jing: Well, i do take Chinese for my mother tongue, i speak English most of the time in school, but at home, i speaks chinese, why? :)
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