remove you from my memory.
In the midst of paper, Fana kept turing around and point me middle finger, and i react back with a Hashimah's smile, haha! Gave up on my paper, didn't do graph, and i just went to sleep. Then Mdm Fat came to me, gave me a piece of foolscap and said "try!" and smiled to me, and i woke up and finished up, i think i can only gain 1 mark, by finding Y axis, haha! -.-
Then soon, its 9.59am! And, i was so excited and start making sounds to irritate Miss Ng. :P Clock travelled sibeh slow at that point of time, all i was thinking of is finally can see baby after 2 hours, faster faster fasterrr!!. Haha, then after 10am, handed up paper, Fadhila ran out of the hall and headed for Toilet to pee. -.-
Then dismissed, left school with Baby and Fadhila after changing into Musical t-shirt. Baby asked how was my paper, i told him "It was okay ah, 5 question blank." And he laughed "Okay, but 5 question blank? *Taps my head" Lol! Off handphone, cause battery low, sorry shell. Then went to block 118, slacked, then went to filled our stomach, saw brother, he saw hazmi and he was like "Oh, your boyfriend eh!!" I was like "Shut up lah, idiot." Then Hazmi smiled, i was like !?!!? Then brother bribed me, grr.
Gave him $1.30 for his ice-milo, then he left home after chatting with Me. Then after eating, went to 118 again, then to i-don't-know-what-block, then i fell alseep while holding hands with Baby, then went to 190 bustop, bused to Lot1.
Baby took 300 home while me and Fadhila went to clear our bladder, then off to Mac. Had macflurry! ^^v Then walked to Ahmad's crib to find Nurul. Then reached, went in, Fadhila told Nurul smth and she left to tha room for guitar playing, leaving me explaining to Nurul what actually happened.
Went to room, and sang "Your call" while Fadhila plays the guitar, then after that, took pictures, (refer to tha top picture.) Then slept, till 4pm, after hearing Shakir's voice, then Alson and co came, then woke up, chilled, then Fadhila teman me to Southview.
Lrt home, online, bath. :) Ohyeah, did i mention that i hurt my kneecap yesterday?! Wanna see?

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