Already gone.
Woke up around 6.20am, bath, called up Fadhila, no answer, so gave up. Took mom's ride to school, then reached around 7.30am? Quickly walked in, then assembled. As usual, plede taking and stuffs, then off to class.
Did math paper while texting with Babyboy with Sera's phone, thanks Sera! :) Then after that had Art for 2 hour, went online, search for pictures, then after that mdm fat and shakir went out, then at 11am, headed for recess.
After recess, had social studies, no need to study, so just chatted around, then after went to toilet, then went back to class. 6SIX boy were inside, 6 of them, having something in their hand, they are there for revenge for Hadi, as me and Fadhila slapped him, lol! Had war in class, then don't know which teacher go paotoh, then OM came down, -.-
Then didn't went for mother tongue, after that headed to canteen to chill for like 10 minutes, then off to class for S.T.A.R programme, did work without falling asleep although i am very tired and sleepy, but i didn't lah, :) Then after S.T.A.R, headed to detention room, then after that waited for babyboy with Akif and Mr Fadzil. Finished up my worksheet while waiting.
Then after that walked to 190 bustop, and today, babyboy is being so teacherly to me, he taught me how to attack people and, he very strong and cause it to be painful, today i keep kena hit lorrrrr, haizsx. Bad luck, hahaha! Hmm, taiji eh b? Haha! xD

Im bored and someone please entertain me! :(
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