Back to normal dok!

Woke up around 6.16am, woke up, bath, then use computer for awhile, replied tag, then off to school by car. Reached school, headed to parade sq, then as usual, pledge taking. Then after that stayed at parade sq for some test -.- Then after that went back class for lessons.
Chemistry, as usual suck to the core, to be frank, i didn't studied at all, ^^
Math, did worksheets, wasn't distracted, yay! ^^
Physics, did 2 questions then gave up, haha! :/
Chemistry again, didn't do work, teaching Sera and Fana chinese, HAHAHA!
During recess, it was a god damn cold 30 minutes, heavy rains, drains looking like swimming pool, splashing of waters, laughters, one word : AMAZING. ^^ Hahaha!
After school, headed to canteen, on the way there, was kinda high and we were very noisy, and the whole canteen can hear us, or should i say that majority of the students were muslims and most of the muslim didn't attend school, so its kinda quieeet, hmm, lol!
After that, left school with Fadhila, Fana, Sera, Emmabel. Sera went with her bestfriend (ahem), then Emmabel waited for her bro to give her a ride, so the rest of us walked to Pending.
Home, online, heading to town later on. With Emmabel, Fieza, Fana & Fadhila. 6SIX are heading to town too, hmm, cool. :D
Today babyboy didn't attended school, so didn't got to see him, i rindu him alot okay, yay fasting gonna end soooooon, haha! ^^
Okay, shall stop here, will be blogging again at night yeap? ^^ Tag me okeh, hehe!
Happy birthday to Jenica, piano session soon aye, misses laughing with ya, and making you teach me piano for thousands time, HAHAHA. Love ya, enjoy okeh girl. :D
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