hear you breathing
You guys will be fucking shocked. Its supposed to be a slide phone, and its sony ericsson w595. And i dropped it like for million times?! And now, its finally spoilt, kinda sad, please kill me. Lololol, nah kidding. :] Boyfriend names my phone "dangerous". Lol, mwhaha, hardcore ok. :P
Alright, shall show you all, sorry ah, i used my webcam and take de, so its kinda ugly, :/ But who cares? Never ask you to see my fucking face, see the phone lah cb. Lol, okay, too fena, sorry. :)
Seen? The top part came out and i sibeh heng, my screen still can work, haha! Lol, heng sial, if not i will seriously be ultra fucking sad as if its the end of the world, >:( Hahahaha, lol!
Going to Bangkit later on, i seriously want to cut hair ley, hmm, i don't think tomorrow can cut, i don't know lah, i tell you my schedule for this week okay, mwhahaha, cool man. \m/
Monday > School starts at 7.30am, ends at 3pm. Home, online, go down Fajar.
Tuesday > Maybe not going to school, no sure ey, Big day at Fajar, Sintua's.
Wednesday > Big Day at Fajar, Sintua's.
Thursday > Big Day at Fajar, Sintua's.
(All the big days ends at 2am, for god sake. *whines)
So cool man, \m/ I might be missing school for these 3 days or prolly only Wednesday cause got Yewkeng, so yeah, i don't know either, i don't want to miss school ley, and also i don't want to not-see-boyfriend too, boohoo.
Anyway, last night boyfriend didn't came online at all, maybe he is too tired or he is at his Grandma's? I miss him lar, tsk. But he gave a text when he woke up today, hehe. :P Okay lah, i misses baby okeh, haha!
Brother just reached home, going out soon to meet his love, well, he intro me one website, its freaking real lor, okay, erm, this is the info. >
My bro typed in the Petiton box > Peter, please answer:
Then he type in the question part > Who is beside me?
Then the answer came out as > Emily.
I was astonished and out-of-words, so i asked him to try again, this time he asked..
Petion box, > Peter, please answer:
Question part > Who is my sister's boyfriend?
Then the answer came out as > Hazmi.
Don't believe? You gotta see this, serious no joke, try okay.
Damn astonishing right, oh yeah people, my brother is god damn cool, haha! \m/ Lol, okay whatever, mwhaha. I swear, this is fugging true, oh so true! :)
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