love you

Okay! Hello again, just came back from 137 ^^ Ayun & Iskandar send me home and they went off to Bpp i guess? Hmm, shall talk about it okey. Went to Pending and the super nice iskandar came and bring me there, when i said i know how to go there, lol.
So went to Pending, bought Greentea then walk to 217. While walking, stupid iskandar disturb me, grrr! Then went there, met Gummy, Cammie and Ilham. Iskandar was using da lappy, Gummy was punching the sandbag, Ilham is abusing his nephew (LOL) and then Cammie and I was just sitting there. Then Ilham's niece came along and sat down with us.
Then i tied her hair and i got so happy about it cause Gummy said it was cute, wahaha! Then after that we went under Ilham's block. Then lepak for awhile, Iskandar left for Outram. Then Ilham, me, Cammie & Gummy went for Bangkit. And Ilham blanje dok! Hahaha, thanks ah Dragonball! ^^
Then after that walked to 137 and meet Ayun & Zul. So sad at first cause someone merajok with me just cause ma ex talked to me last night. Then when he is alone, i went to pujok him, and yes! He smiled! ^^ And i was so happy! Hahaha, wakwakwahz.
Then after that Zul left and came Ilham's friends. And i get kinda irritated with guys keep looking at me, like as if they are gonna eat me up. I told Cammie and Gummy about it. Lol! Then Gummy and Cammie left to play with Sherry. So i was the only girl and then after awhile, Ayun and Iskandar send me home. :) How nice, wahaha!
Then reach the lift there, there was a coakcroach near my leg and i screamed and both of them was shocked. LOL. Then i went home, online, blog. :)
For everyone's info, im not a hongster okie. Don't come and tag me and say i hongster lah hor, i tiongxim that person, that person also never tiongxim kamlan? Correct anot? :)
Yay, Iskandar's helping me to book da BBQ pit soon! Yay, and then Friday sheng shiong trip with Iskandar, Ayun, Gummy and Cammie ^-^ People like them make my day, esp Mr Favourite. Bahahahahha! K shut up.
Bbq on my birthday, those who i invited, come okay. Those who i didn't, real sorry.. I got my own reasons, plus i also know that you won't come. So yeah, sorry. :)
Right now, those who are really my true friends, those who are not, i know very well. Those who cares for me are Ayun and co. Thanks guys, seriously, i was really happy when im with you all.
As for the past, when im with the usuals, i made it so un-original. Cause one of you somehow tried to hint me that when im in, im not original. And it hurts much.
Try to be me, think of how will i feel. :) I got it thru cause of Ayun and co. Thanks ah guys, see you all soon. :)
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